Too many Web sites, too little time

Jolanta Davis jmdavis at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Fri Apr 23 13:33:28 UTC 2004

Dear colleagues,

 From time to time someone suggests to the AAASS that the Association
should create on its Web site a catalog of useful Slavic Web sites. As a
whole, this is not a bad idea, however, there are just too many Slavic Web
sites on the Internet, and changing their URLs too often, to keep track of
them and to include everything. Also, how do we categorize "useful" Slavic
Web sites? What may be useful to one person, may be bunch of nonsense to
another. Could we have a discussion of which Slavic Web sites you find
useful? I'd like to find out to which Web sites you refer often, which Web
sites you recommend to your students, etc. Basically, the links that are
saved on your "Slavic favorites" list and listed on your personal sites,
and/or your syllabi sites. I wonder if the same Web sites will start coming
up in the discussion, or whether everyone uses something different.


Jolanta M. Davis
AAASS Publications Coordinator and NewsNet Editor

American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS)
8 Story Street
Cambridge, MA
tel.: 617-495-0679
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