a question about Dostoevsky and prisons

Loren Billings sgnillib at GMAIL.COM
Sun Dec 16 18:13:42 UTC 2012

This reminds me of the summary/misquote of Martin Luther King Jr.'s
writing that is being removed from the memorial to him in Washington:

"The quote in question -- one of more than a dozen on the site -- is
inscribed on one side of the stone. The abbreviated and paraphrased
version of the line sparked controversy in 2011 when acclaimed poet
and author Maya Angelou said it made the civil rights leader appear to
be arrogant.

"The line reads: 'I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness.'

"In fact, King's original words, from a 1968 sermon at Ebenezer
Baptist Church in Atlanta, were: 'If you want to say that I was a drum
major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum
major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the
other shallow things will not matter.'


"Angelou said that leaving out the 'if' changes the meaning."

(from "Controversial MLK Memorial inscription to be removed"

--Loren Billings (National Chi Nan University, Taiwan)

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