Alec Brown translation of Tsvetaeva's "Molodets"

Alexandra Smith alexandra.smith at ED.AC.UK
Sun Jul 13 22:10:17 UTC 2014

Dear Molly,

Alec Brown's translation was done around the same time when Tsvetaeva wanted to publish the book in French with Goncharova's illustrations. One Goncharova scholar who tried to locate Brown's translations told me that the translation might have been destroyed by fire in an attic of Brown's house or his relatives' house. It seems that he found some relatives of Brown. If you'll manage to find the translation of Molodets in the Birmingham archive, please let me know.

All best,
Sasha Smith

Sent from my iPad

> On 13 Jul 2014, at 18:12, Molly Thomasy Blasing <mtblasing at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I wonder if anyone has information about the whereabouts of Alec Brown's (unpublished, as far as I know) translation of Tsvetaeva's "Molodets."  Karlinsky's _Marina Tsvetaeva: The Woman, Her World and Her Poetry_ mentions the existence of such a translation (p 207).  The Alec Brown archive at the University of Birmingham (UK) supplied me with a version of their finding aid (still in process), but it does not appear to contain any of Brown's translations of Tsvetaeva.  While there is a chance the manuscript is *somewhere* in that archive, it seems equally likely that it is elsewhere.  I would appreciate any leads you might have as to how to locate it.
> With thanks and best wishes,
> Molly Blasing
> -- 
> Molly Thomasy Blasing
> Assistant Professor of Russian
> Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures
> University of Kentucky
> mtblasing at
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