What's the best way to prepare endnotes for publication?

Gwyn Bourlakov gbourlakov at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 22 17:47:29 UTC 2014


You still need me to pick up that book in Moscow. I'm here until 15 Aug.

Gwyn Bourlakov.
On Jul 22, 2014 9:43 PM, "Andrea Gregovich" <agregovich at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings Colleagues,
> I am preparing endnotes for a novel I translated that is heavy with
> details from Soviet culture. I started working on them in a .doc file, but
> then it occurred to me that my page numbers would be off that way because,
> конечно, the page layout will change in the transition from word .doc
> manuscript to bound book. This is a fairly new publisher whose previous
> books have been novels not in translation, so I don't think they've thought
> of this issue yet either. We're set on endnotes rather than footnotes
> because the writing is very minimalist and we don't want to clutter the
> pages with distractions.
> I see that there is Endnote software available, but I can't tell if that
> would really suit my purposes here. Plus, we're on a shoestring budget and
> I'd like to avoid personally buying software if possible. What have you all
> done in the past in preparing Endnotes?
> Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!
> Best,
> Andrea Gregovich
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