What's the best way to prepare endnotes for publication?

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Tue Jul 22 19:55:10 UTC 2014

Andrea Gregovich wrote:

> Greetings Colleagues,
> I am preparing endnotes for a novel I translated that is heavy with
> details from Soviet culture. I started working on them in a .doc file,
> but then it occurred to me that my page numbers would be off that way
> because, конечно, the page layout will change in the transition from
> word .doc manuscript to bound book. This is a fairly new publisher whose
> previous books have been novels not in translation, so I don't think
> they've thought of this issue yet either. We're set on endnotes rather
> than footnotes because the writing is very minimalist and we don't want
> to clutter the pages with distractions.
> I see that there is Endnote software available, but I can't tell if that
> would really suit my purposes here. Plus, we're on a shoestring budget
> and I'd like to avoid personally buying software if possible. What have
> you all done in the past in preparing Endnotes?

If you're working with MS Word, it's a simple option to tell it to use 
endnotes instead of footnotes, and there's also a feature that converts 
all footnotes to endnotes and vice versa. The details vary from version 
to version, but for example in Word 2003 it's Insert | Footnote... and 
at the bottom of the dialog, "Apply changes to: Whole document."

As for page numbers being off, that's really the publisher's job; yours 
is just to verify that they didn't botch it when you look at the galleys.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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