SRSC graduate competition

Birgit Beumers birgitbeumers at YAHOO.CO.UK
Fri Mar 7 20:09:17 UTC 2014

Reminder of the approaching deadline for the Postgraduate/Graduate Article Competition for Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema (SRSC)

Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema is pleased to announce for the second time a competition for the best graduate student essay. This time, the competition will be run in collaboration with the State Film Institute VGIK, Moscow.

Articles on any aspect of Russian/Soviet cinema will be considered, with a maximum length of 6,000 words. These should be original works, and should not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. The texts should be sent to the Editor, at the address below, with the name of an academic supervisor (including her/his email) who may be contacted to confirm that the author is a doctoral student at a Higher Education Institution. Submissions must be in English, and should follow the standard academic conventions (SRSC uses the author-date system). Russian-language submissions are accepted only from students of VGIK and through their submission system. 

Deadline for submission: 30 March 2014

The jury will be composed of the journal’s co-editors and select members from the editorial board; they will assess the submissions anonymously. Results will be available by 1 June 2014.

First Prize: £150, and a year’s free subscription to the journal. The winning article will, of course, appear in SRSC – volume 8.3 (2014).

Birgit Beumers Editor, SRSC
Email birgit.beumers at

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