A phone call from Odesa

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Fri Mar 7 20:45:58 UTC 2014

Robert Orr wrote:

> Is “We want the EU!”  really the best translation of “My v Evropu
> xotim?”  Why not follow Switzerland, Iceland, or Norway?
> And “we want the EU”  sits ill with  “Stand together to make Ukraine
> our own space!”

Making one's own decisions as to whom to date is not the same as 
remaining a spinster. Ukraine is entitled to choose the EU, or choose 
Russia, or choose to remain single. There's really no contradiction.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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