A phone call from Odesa

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Mar 7 21:06:48 UTC 2014

Choosing another family (to get away from the sex metaphor) may be the only way to protect yourself from the old dysfunctional one, particularly if the father was a rapist (sorry, back to the sex metaphor). 

Both Switzerland and Norway do not have a great track record when it comes to resisting Hitler, in fact they both were cooperating with Hitler. Some neutrality. Iceland is lucky; it is on a remote island. I am sure Poland and Czechoslovakia each in turn wished they were on an island West of Portugal. 

On Mar 7, 2014, at 3:45 PM, "Paul B. Gallagher" <paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM> wrote:

> Robert Orr wrote:
>> Is “We want the EU!”  really the best translation of “My v Evropu
>> xotim?”  Why not follow Switzerland, Iceland, or Norway?
>> And “we want the EU”  sits ill with  “Stand together to make Ukraine
>> our own space!”
> Making one's own decisions as to whom to date is not the same as remaining a spinster. Ukraine is entitled to choose the EU, or choose Russia, or choose to remain single. There's really no contradiction.
> -- 
> War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
> --
> Paul B. Gallagher
> pbg translations, inc.
> "Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"
> http://pbg-translations.com
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