A phone call from Odesa

Jules Levin ameliede at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Mar 7 23:31:08 UTC 2014

On 07.03.2014 13:06, Alina Israeli wrote:
> Choosing another family (to get away from the sex metaphor) may be the only way to protect yourself from the old dysfunctional one, particularly if the father was a rapist (sorry, back to the sex metaphor).
> Both Switzerland and Norway do not have a great track record when it comes to resisting Hitler, in fact they both were cooperating with Hitler. Some neutrality.
I just jumped into this, but isn't Norway being confused with Sweden?  
Sweden remained neutral and profiteered, but Norway was occupied by the 
Germans, in fact, was not liberated until after Germany surrendered in 
April, since it had been bypassed by the allies.  It is true that it was 
not considered hard duty by the Germans, as a Norwegian student assured 
me when I was a Fulbrighter there in 1964, and it is also true that 
Norway would have been happy to stay neutral, as they were in WW I, but 
definitely not a neutral country in WW II.
Jules Levin

>   Iceland is lucky; it is on a remote island. I am sure Poland and Czechoslovakia each in turn wished they were on an island West of Portugal.
> On Mar 7, 2014, at 3:45 PM, "Paul B. Gallagher"<paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM>  wrote:
>> Robert Orr wrote:
>>> Is “We want the EU!”  really the best translation of “My v Evropu
>>> xotim?”  Why not follow Switzerland, Iceland, or Norway?
>>> And “we want the EU”  sits ill with  “Stand together to make Ukraine
>>> our own space!”
>> Making one's own decisions as to whom to date is not the same as remaining a spinster. Ukraine is entitled to choose the EU, or choose Russia, or choose to remain single. There's really no contradiction.
>> -- 
>> War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
>> --
>> Paul B. Gallagher
>> pbg translations, inc.
>> "Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"
>> http://pbg-translations.com
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