Pushkin's poem in English translation

Penelope Burt burt2151 at COMCAST.NET
Sun Mar 30 18:45:59 UTC 2014

There is a translation by Walter Arndt, "To the Slanderers of Russia," in his Alexander Pushkin, Collected Narrative and Lyrical Poetry, published by Ardis in 1984, and still in print I believe (ISBN 0-88233-826-9). I would assume that many libraries would have this book.

Penny Burt

On Mar 30, 2014, at 2:29 PM, Elena Baraban wrote:

> Colleagues, when I read the request from a friend to help locate an English translation of this poem by Pushkin, I also wondered about the way it 'fits' today's context. Nonetheless, I posted a request for a translation on SEELANGS without any intention to start a political debate on ethnic phobias. I am sure that many of you have also had enough of 'tensions' on Facebook with regard to the current crisis. May I kindly ask you to refrain from political commentaries re: the subject or at least start this discussion yourself. I do not wish to be the initiator of a string of messages that will escalate to inappropriate exchanges or will end up with a caricature of any one of the literary traditions. In the end, it's people sticking together that can save the world. Unfortunately, the opposite may also be true of irresponsible collective efforts.
> This said, if you have any idea whether the poem has been translated, please let me know.
> With many thanks,
> Elena
> From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Gasan Gusejnov [gusejnov at GMAIL.COM]
> Sent: March 30, 2014 1:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Pushkin's poem in English translation
> Let us try to analyze the ukrainophobia of some Russian authors rather than introduce a soft censorship.
> More on the subject:
> Lydia Chukovskaya on Akhmatova, Brodsky on Ukraine, 
> Janna Bitchevskaya on Kulikovo Pole. - an ugly premonition (perhaps, 2008) of the rapidly creeping annexation of the Peninsula this year.
> But let us not forget Vladimir Mayakovsky, Debt to Ukraine(1926).
> And, of course, Yan Satunovsky cited in the first link:
> «Хiба ревуть воли,
> як ясла повнi»*
> Но мы и не «ревли», 
> а молча «мёрли», - 
> напомнила мне снова 
> двоюродная мова языка родного.
> (1980 - centennial celebration of the publication of Panas Mirny in Ukrainian - in... Switzerland)... 
> gg
> 2014-03-30 21:09 GMT+04:00 David Powelstock <pstock at brandeis.edu>:
> Oh, boy. Pushkin at his worst. I can't help with locating a translation, but I must say that in the context of current events I shudder to think that this poem would be any Anglophone's first encounter with Alexander Sergeich!
> Cheers,
> David P.
>  * * * * * * * * * *
> David Powelstock
> Assoc. Prof. of Russian and Comparative Literature
> Director, Master of Arts in Comparative Humanities
> Brandeis University
> Waltham, MA 02453
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Elena Baraban <Elena.Baraban at umanitoba.ca> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> A friend is looking for the English translation of Pushkin's poem "Klevetnikam Rossii" The original is available by following the link:
> http://www.rvb.ru/pushkin/01text/01versus/0423_36/1831/0564.htm
> Has it ever been translated? I'll be grateful for your suggestions.
> Thank you,
> Elena Baraban
> baraban at cc.umanitoba.ca
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Penelope Burt
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Washington DC 20008
phone: 202 332 4675
email: burt2151 at comcast.net

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