New Posting: Official SSS for SignBank 2002

Valerie Sutton Sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Sep 5 13:43:48 UTC 2002

SignWriting List
Sept. 5, 2002

Hello Everyone and Charles!
When you start using SignBank, you will see that all rotations are
there and always will be.

In the SSS listing on the web, I listed the first flop-rotation of
every symbol in SignBank.  The first position out of the 96 rotations
is "Flop-01 and Rotation 01". Take a look at the attached diagram...I
circled it in red.

Some symbols, like the C hand, actually look better if they are
listed in the Flop01-Rotation03 position, while others, like the
Index Finger, look better in the Flop01-Rotation01 position. I am
aware of that...In the past I took the trouble of going in and
changing some of the handshapes to Rotation 03 just for listing
purposes...This took a lot of time. So in time I can go back to do
that. Meanwhile, at least you have all the new numbers for SSS-2002.
Val ;-)
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