[sw-l] FRENCH-SWISS Report ;-))

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Mar 5 21:46:59 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
March 5, 2005

Anny -
I want to thank you for your wonderful report you sent me privately,
about a week ago, giving a summary of your SignWriting activities in

I am sad to say that I lost that email. We moved our entire web server
and email for signwriting.org...over to a bigger computer...a bigger
server...so we can expand the SignBank web site later...and in the
process our email wasn't working right, and I was playing with it, and
suddenly I realized I had lost around 20 messages...I felt so bad!! I
was really upset when I remembered that one of those was your

So if you have a copy of it, can you post it to the SignWriting List
again?...That would be great....Many thanks -

Val ;-)


On Mar 5, 2005, at 1:23 PM, Valerie Sutton wrote:

> SignWriting List
> March 5, 2005
> Dear SignWriting List, and Anny!!
> Thank you for this question. Did you know, that in German-Switzerland,
> Dr. Penny Boyes Braem and I have been working together to write a
> grant for a new SignBank web site? It would work like this:
> 1. SignPuddle will remain the FREE online dictionary, that is also
> open to anyone adding signs...just as it is now.
> BUT...
> 2. We will also offer official SIGNBANKS...those are dictionaries
> online that have been created by one group privately, with video and
> all the signs written in SignWriting and the general public will be
> able to benefit from these dictionaries, but will not be able to add
> signs to them...they will be stable dictionaries that are created by a
> private research group...
> 3. The private research groups will have their own private web areas
> to do their dictionary editing, to create number 2 above...
> ...So when you visit the SignBank web site someday, you will be able
> to enter into three different doors...
> ... SignPuddle Public Dictionaries
> ...The official SignBanks for Sign Languages all over the world, that
> include video and cannot be changed
> ... A private Dictionary Editors section for those research groups who
> are creating number 2...the official SignBanks...
> So you can see that your friends, Anny, were thinking of the latter
> two...but we need to keep the first one, SignPuddle, open to the
> general public to add signs to it, because people need to become
> inspired and how will they know if they want to do the more serious
> dictionary building if they do not try it first?
> Now...the one catch is that is costs us a lot of money to do this big
> job of having three different sections to the SignBank web site, and
> so Penny is helping me write a grant to help pay for all this...If
> your group wants to have a private SignBank before we get the funding
> from a grant, then they could pay a fee and we will create their
> private editing area immediately for them...
> Meanwhile, SignPuddle will always be free and you can continue forever
> the way you have been doing it right now, if you wish -
> Hope this helps...Talk to Penny about all this - she can tell you
> more!!
> Val ;-)
> ---------------------------
> On Mar 5, 2005, at 12:27 PM, Anne-Claude Prélaz Girod wrote:
>> Stephen
>> I worked with the group of persons who all had a introduction course
>> on SW today... we have meetings every six weeks... and try to
>> practice Sw together... there were a few questions about
>> SignPuddle...:
>> is there a way we could see that an item into the dictionnary is not
>> "acceptped" by the group... they don't like the idea of anyone being
>> able to write anything in the dictionnary...
>> I told them about my role (as an editor) to check the dictionnary...
>> take away wrong signs... or correct.... but, as a hearing... my
>> intention was to share with the group (deaf and hearing partifipants)
>> before deciding of the best way to write down a sign... as we only
>> meet once in a while... some "wrong signs" might stay inthe
>> dictonnary for a long time... and it might get people confused!!!
>> Is there any way one could see that an added sign has been accepted
>> (and by extension... that a new sign still has to be approved??)
>> maybe using colour... or a code, ...
>> They ask if only the participants could have a access code to get
>> into the SignMaker.... any one of you did have such problems ??
>> I think it's important than anyone can access SignMaker... but also
>> understand their point of view... they don'nt want wrong stuff to
>> stay in the dictionnary for a long time!!
>> Another question...: is there a way to send mail to more than one
>> person at a time... into SignMail ??
>> Thanks for letting me know!
>> we still have problems about english... I tod them tha tw should
>> think of symbols for every button... in LSF Swiss french... we'll do
>> that next time we meet and I'll send it to Valerie (Valerie I did
>> send you the french words already... I'll add the sign into
>> signpuddle for every button... and let you know once I'M done!)
>> Anny
>> Le 3 mars 05, à 23:45, Stephen Slevinski a écrit :
>>> Hi Anny,
>>> This is an image caching problem.  Pressing Refresh on the browser
>>> will
>>> force the browser to retrieve the new image for house.  I've know
>>> about this
>>> for a while.  Sorry I haven't fixed it yet.
>>> The details...
>>> Your browser caches the image of house.  When you delete house, the
>>> browser
>>> still has the image cached.  When you rename house_2 to house, the
>>> browser
>>> is displaying the image that is has cached.  Pressing refresh will
>>> force the
>>> browser to get the new image for house from the server.
>>> -Stephen

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