Animated GIFs of ISWA Hands, Group 1, 2 and 3...

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Tue Dec 2 16:19:32 UTC 2008

SignWriting List
December 2, 2008

Hello Andre!
Your question is a good one!

I can certainly read your writing of Alligator, which is in my  
attached diagram (yours is pasted to the right)...but technically your  
writing has the hands directed to the side...the side view, like the  
hand in Hamburger that you mention, can show the fingers directed up  
much better - you are right about that! But in my example, I was  
writing it with the hands directed it is a difference  
between the hands directed to the side wall, or directed straight  
forward...we do not have an animated GIF for this handshape yet, or I  
could show you better...

Please see attached diagram...

On Dec 2, 2008, at 8:01 AM, Gagnon et Thibeault wrote:

> Hi Val and everyone,
>     See your attached diagram "ALLIGATOR".  I am confused.  I  
> remember that you told me that fingers look like in a real life. For  
> example a sign for HAMBURGER in LSQ (B) is correct because the  
> finger of the left hand is directed up and looks like in a real  
> life.  a sign (C) is incorrect since the finger of the left hand is  
> directed dowm and doesn't look like in a real life.
>     This is my writing (A) "ALLIGATOR" in ASL (here is my  
> attachment)   am I right?
>     I would like to know if your attached diagram "ALLIGATOR" is  
> correct?  Do these fingers look like in a real life?
>     I am sorry that I am still learning about it.
>     Hand waving
>     André
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