sign puddle help

Adam Frost frost at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Jun 11 05:00:08 UTC 2008

I notice that you were using rotation match. I usually don't use that  
because I usually don't know the exact rotation. In fact, because the  
style of writing can be so divers, I usually use "Any Match" to make  
sure that I have the sign that I am looking for. Here is how I would  
do a symbol search for football.
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If you have seen the sign written and you know exactly how it is  
written, then you can use the SymbolSearch by writing it exactly as  
you see it, leave it black (so that it is exact match), and then  
search. I personally just use the Any Match because I can't usually  
find things exactly. I might use the fill match if I know that the  
fill is a certain way. The same thing goes with the rotation match,  
but that usually only happens when I have made a search that returns  
too many signs.

I hope this helps.


On Jun 10, 2008, at 9:25 PM, Brian McQueen wrote:

> I was too specific in my email. I was trying to give an example of a
> generic problem I have been experiencing - the problem being trying to
> look up the English word for a sign, not anything about The Cat in the
> Hat.  In general I have a very hard time getting a successful search
> result.  I'll find a different example.  The sign for football is in
> there:
> It shows the sign to be:
> But I had a very hard time doing a symbol search for the sign.
> Here is a sample search to demonstrate doing a rotate match on the  
> hands:
> No results for that one:
> This example shows that it is quite hard to actually get a hit on a  
> search.
> Or a user might know it the sign contains this one hand in some
> orientation, but they don't know how to write the rest, so they search
> for the one thing they do know - that one hand shape with the
> uncertain rotation:
> In their result set they would expect to find their sign somewhere:
> Its a massive result set, and I don't see football in there, so I
> guess a normal user would try to constrain the query a bit:
> I get no results for this constrained query:
> I don't want to be discouraging.  I am asking because I am so
> impressed and interested in this.  I want to both use it myself, as
> well as get other folks to use it too.  Did I make some mistake in
> that "football" search?
> Thanks!
> Brian McQueen
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Adam Frost <frost at>  
> wrote:
>> Hello Brian,
>> I will be more that willing to help you. It seems to me that you  
>> would like
>> to be able to have an ASL sign to English word correlation in  
>> SignPuddle.
>> More specifically you are looking for that relation in a document  
>> written
>> in SignText. It is possible to have that in SignText, but none of  
>> that
>> information was written for any of the Cat in the Hat pages. So  
>> there are no
>> English word correlations stored in SignPuddle for any of the Cat  
>> in the Hat
>> pages.
>> You also mentioned that you tried to do a Search by Symbols, but  
>> were given
>> a return of no results even when the symbols are in the documents  
>> of The Cat
>> in the Hat. This is because the searches are searching for the  
>> symbols in
>> the titles of the document. In all of the Cat in the Hat pages the  
>> only
>> title is written in English with words like "Cat in the Hat 01."
>> I am sorry that they information that you seems to be looking for  
>> isn't even
>> there because I didn't put it in there when I did the editing. If  
>> you would
>> like to have the information, you can just ask me what the English
>> correlation the the ASL sign is and I will tell you. ;-)
>> Adam
>> On Jun 10, 2008, at 9:27 AM, Brian McQueen wrote:
>>> Can you please help me get more out of Sign Puddle?  I can't seem to
>>> find anything most of the time.  The Sign Puddle is so important!
>>> Going from a sign to the English word is the most important missing
>>> piece of Sign Language documentation in my opinion.  Here is an
>>> example.  I am taking a word from The Cat in the Hat:
>>> Here is the Rotate Match:
>>> Clicking Search gives:
>>> For some reason the signs in that post-search summary are not the  
>>> same
>>> as the ones I entered:
>>> But mostly I need to be able to look up the words!  I have a very  
>>> low
>>> success rate and this kind of search is exactly what I need, so I  
>>> need
>>> to have a higher success rate.
>>> Thanks!
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