New journal focusing on Asia-Pacific

James Stanford stanfo23 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 16 14:22:34 UTC 2013

(Apologies for multiple postings)

John Benjamins Publishing Company is pleased to announce a new journal:

*Asia-Pacific Language Variation* (APLV)

This journal aims to report research on the description and analysis of
variation and change from the Asia-Pacific region. The journal encourages
research that is firmly based on empirical data and quantitative analysis
of variation and change as well as the social factors that are reflected
and constructed through language variation and change. Though much of the
research is expected to be based on new speech data and fieldwork, the
language data may be either oral or written, including both modern and
historical resources.

The unique emphasis of the journal is to promote understanding of the
multifaceted linguistic communities of Asia-Pacific.

APLV invites original articles on all aspects of language variation and
change that are firmly grounded in traditions of empirical research and
quantitative methods. Articles are welcome from all aspects of language
inquiry dealing with language variation. We especially welcome articles on
lesser reported languages, restructured varieties and the articles that
report on locally relevant social factors. The journal also welcomes
language descriptions based on innovative methods with an interest in
variation. Apart from publishing regular research articles, the journal
also intends to promote awareness about the languages and communities of
the region. Such information would be published in the form of short notes.

ISSN 2215-1354  E-ISSN 2215-1362

Shobha Satyanath, University of New Delhi  (shobhas.aplv at

Associate Editors:
Kenjiro Matsuda, Kobe Shoin University
Miriam Meyerhoff, Victoria University of Wellington
James N. Stanford, Dartmouth College

Editorial Board:
Yoshiyuki Asahi, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
Michael Dunn, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, University of Cologne
William Labov, University of Pennsylvania
Naomi Nagy, University of Toronto
Carmel O'Shannessy, University of Michigan
Shana Poplack, University of Ottawa
Victoria Rau, Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Gillian Sankoff, University of Pennsylvania
Devyani Sharma, Queen Mary University of London

More information, including submission guidelines for potential authors,
can be found at can be found on the journal's website:
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