Query re ANYMORE

Natalie Maynor maynor at CS.MSSTATE.EDU
Fri Apr 13 16:41:18 UTC 2001

> Is anyone familiar with _anymore_ as used in the sentences below?
> This might seem to be the garden variety of the adverbial since
> it apparently occurs only in negative contexts, but the sense
> here ("again, from now or then on") is one that does not appear
> in the OED or DARE (or any of several other dictionaries I have

What do DARE and the OED (neither of which I have handy at the moment)
say that excludes this usage?  The AHD gives "from now on" as one of
its definitions.

In answer to your question, yes.  The sentences sound perfectly normal
to me.
   --Natalie Maynor (maynor at ra.msstate.edu)

PS: Thanks to those of you who have answered my friend's "ah so" query.

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