
David Bowie db.list at PMPKN.NET
Thu Dec 16 15:12:49 UTC 2004

I don't recall if this one appeared in the discussion of mixed names for
wintertide festivals, but i got a card from the younger of my sisters
yesterday wishing me a "Merry RamaHanuKwanzMas" on the front, with the
inside reading "Best Wishes for a Non-Offensive Celebratory Event." (She
thoughtfully handwrote "Merry Solstice", as well, since that one seems to
have been left out by the card designers.)

Anyway, the inclusion of Ramadan in the list is interesting to me since i
wouldn't call it a wintertide festival in the same sense as the others, due
to its length--but Eid ul-Fitr probably wouldn't have fit into the rhythm as

The back of the card advertises the web site for Glenn Beck, a
conservative-lite talk radio guy, and it turns out he sells an entire
(small) line of RamaHanuKwanzMas merchandise:

David Bowie                                         http://pmpkn.net/lx
    Jeanne's Two Laws of Chocolate: If there is no chocolate in the
    house, there is too little; some must be purchased. If there is
    chocolate in the house, there is too much; it must be consumed.

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