technically correct subject-verb agreement

Arnold M. Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Fri Dec 31 21:04:28 UTC 2004

On Dec 30, 2004, at 10:50 AM, i wrote:

>>>> Going to his house was what I lived for. There were liquor, music,
>>>> and
>>>> a strong desire for my body.
> just to remind people: this isn't a vote on what the "real" grammar of
> english is, or should be...

and now, from the same book as the first quote (J.L. King, On the Down
Low, p. 159), this:
The need [for a DL connection] and strong desire to make that
connection overrides all common sense.

this one has agreement with the nearest (either the embedded
"connection" or the head "desire" of the second conjunct, you can't
really tell), and i don't like it; i want "override".

my guess is that a copyeditor "fixed" the first one, but just failed to
catch the second.


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