An early recognition of the nature of CJ

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Fri Feb 12 08:09:40 UTC 1999

Boddam-Whetham, J.W.  "Western wanderings:  A record of travel in the
evening land."  London:  Richard Bentley & Son, 1874.

*Page 330:  'Chinook is a sort of language corresponding in some measure
with the 'pigeon English' spoken in China.  It was first introduced by the
Hudson's Bay men, and is now generally spoken all throughout British
Columbia.  A few words of it go a great way and make a great show.'

...Again with the Hudson's Bay Co. myth...
But the equation with pidgin English is compelling.
And I tend to believe the account of its being widely spoken in BC then.


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