CJ Christmas Songs

Francisc Czobor fericzobor at YAHOO.COM
Mon Oct 31 09:46:32 UTC 2005

This is a proof that I looked very superficially into the texts.
But now I'll try to translate that verse (I'm not the most qualified, just as an exercise...)
Ok san iaka chako tanas, - Today he was born, (chaku tanas = to be born)
Kopa Noel san nsaika wawa, - On Christmas day we say,
Ok san iaka chako tanas - [That] Today he was born.
Sitkom polakle chako iaka. - At midnight he came.
Lesash SaHali telikom chako - The angels (lesah [from French: les anges] and saHali telikom "people above" mean the same thing: angels) are coming
Nanich pi atole tlaska Tai: - To see and adore their Lord:
Lesash SaHali telikom chako, - The angels are coming,
Tlaska wawa Lepashe: mamuk kakwa. - They say [to] the Shepherds: do the same.

Wik na kEmtEks pus Lush ukuk ikta namunk ts'Em.

hzenk at pdx.edu wrote:
Verse 2 of hymn VIII (p. 46) in Demers, Blanchet, St. Onge's Chinook Dictionary,
Catechism, Prayers and Hymns specifically concerns the Nativity. It is sung to
the air of "Loin de Jesus que j'aime, &", whatever that is. Here's the verse,
minus the original's diacritics (but H for the original's "h" with the right
leg lopped off, standing for x or back-x in Americanist alphabets like that
used for Makah). Anyone up for another translation exercise?

Ok san iaka chako tanas,
Kopa Noel san nsaika wawa,
Ok san iaka chako tanas
Sitkom polakle chako iaka.
Lesash SaHali telikom chako
Nanich pi atole tlaska Tai:
Lesash SaHali telikom chako,
Tlaska wawa Lepashe: mamuk kakwa.

(Hints: atole 'adore', Lepashe 'shephard', Leshash 'angel'.) Henry

Quoting Francisc Czobor :

> I looked at the CJ religious hymns from the 19th century's sources accessible
> to me (Demers et al.: Chinook Dictionary, Catechism, Prayers and Hymns;
> Eells: Hymns in the Chinook Jargon Language; Hale: An international idiom...)
> but I didn't find anything special for Christmas.
> There is also Le Jeune's "Chinook Hymns"
> (http://www.canadiana.org/ECO/PageView/15468/0003), but it's written entirely
> in Duployan shorthand, with which I'm not familiar, only the titles are given
> in CJ with Roman script. But none of these titles suggest something connected
> to Christmas.
> aLki weXt,
> Francisc
> Maria Pascua wrote:
> Are there any Christmas songs translated into Chinook Jargon? One of the
> students in the Makah Language Community Classes wanted to know if there has
> been any translations done on Christmas Carols and I told him I would post
> this and see. Thank you. Maria
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