[Lingtyp] Intuitions about inclusive time reference

Riccardo Giomi r.giomi at uva.nl
Thu Feb 15 11:29:44 UTC 2024

Dear Östen, Lidia and all,

Just to attest to some (unsurprising) variation in Italian, presumably on a regional basis: in the context described by Östen, I would definitely say Oggi Maria spediva la domanda, with the imperfective past. In this way, I would merely being reporting on Maria's plan, while also implying that I don't know if she already submitted, is still planning on submitting today or whatever. If I want to stress my lack of knowledge, I could also say doveva spedire (must.PST.IPF submit.INF).

In my strongest L2, European Portuguese, I would probably say ia submeter (lit. "was going to submit"). But this should of course be checked with a native speaker.

Best wishes,

Riccardo Giomi
Assistant Professor of Functional Linguistics
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Humanities: Department of Linguistics
Spuistraat 134, 1012 VB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
From: Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Cat Butz <Cat.Butz at hhu.de>
Sent: 15 February 2024 11:41
To: Östen Dahl <oesten at ling.su.se>
Cc: lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] Intuitions about inclusive time reference

Hi Östen,

In German, I would say:
Mary reich-t       heute ihr-en         Antrag     ein.
Mary hand-3:S:PRES today 3:F:POSS-ACC:S proposal   in

In Bavarian, I would say:
D=mary       raih-d        haid  ia-n            Àndròg    ai.
DEF:F:S=Mary hand-3:S:PRES today 3:F:POSS-ACC:S  proposal  in

In my L2 English, I would say:
Mary is submitting her grant proposal today.

Modifications along the lines of "wollte einreichen / woidd airaiha" or
"was going to submit" feel optional to me.

Cat Butz (she)
HHU Düsseldorf
General Linguistics

Am 2024-02-14 22:29, schrieb Östen Dahl:
> I would like to ask for intuitions about the following, in one or more
> languages that you are acquainted with.
> Suppose your colleague Mary said on Monday: "Tomorrow I'm going to
> submit my grant proposal." Now it's about noon on Tuesday, and you
> have no idea whatsoever of the time of the realization of her
> intention. Maybe she did it in the morning, maybe she'll wait until
> midnight, and maybe she's just doing it right now. How would you
> express the sentence below in your language(s), replacing SUBMIT by a
> suitable verb form? The idea is that you should try to use a maximally
> simple and natural formulation without excluding any possibility.
> Today Mary SUBMIT her grant proposal
> All comments are welcome.
> Thanks in advance!
> - Östen
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