LL-L "Etymology" 2008.11.26 (01) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 26 November 2008 - Volume 01
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From: heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk <heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2008.11.25 (07) [E]
Heather Rendall heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk
Joachim was asking about 'ragman' / 'ragtime'
The more you look into the word 'rag' the more interesting it becomes.
The OED has
rag - small fragment of textile , a thing contemptuously regarded as such,
shaggy or rough ( of unknown origin)
rag - a piece of coarse stone i.e. the Ragstone in ???? Derbyshire or is it
rag - to scold or to rate or to annoy especially in a rough noisy fashion (
Is this where the students' Rag comes from? I wonder)
But don't forget ragamuffin ( lovely word) and rag-tag ( imortalised as
three rabbits Rag, Tag and Bobtail)
Back to Ragman - I was wondering whether this might have been a name for the
Mummer or Morris man who was dressed in tatters or strips of cloth from
head to toe and appeared particularly at MayTime or Whitsun festivities?????
viz " The rustics were engaged in their Whitsuntide amusement of Morris
dancing. They literally cover their bodies and hats with ribbons of all
colours ..... " from the Forest of Dean in 19th C
Just a thought
There was also in the Mummers' Christams Play Ragged Jack 'with his family
on his back'
From: heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk <heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2008.11.25 (07) [E]
from Heather Rendall heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk
May I start off a new thread, please?
I hope this hasn't been covered before but I would be v grateful if an
member knows of any Lowlands traditions connected to the name Grim.
Next to Wichenford is a village called Grimley ( originally grimanlege c 966
AD) and a nearby manor called Grimanhylle.
Although place names based on Scandanavian Grimr are not unknown elsewhere
in England within the Danelaw area, here in Worcester ( with - Sorry folks!
- a reputed Dane's skin nailed to the west door of the Cathedral) the
Viking/ Danish influence was minimal if not non-existent.
Any clues?
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