August 1995 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Aug 1 02:33:24 UTC 1995
Ending: Thu Aug 31 16:01:50 UTC 1995
Messages: 166
- 6.1028, FYI: Ph.D thesis via ftp, DGfS Summer School
The Linguist List
- 6.1029, Jobs: Teaching English in Germany
The Linguist List
- 6.1030, Qs: Lab equipment, Parsing v2 lgs, Etymology
The Linguist List
- 6.1031, Qs: Nyankore, Perception Vs & Viberg, Onomatopoeic vowels
The Linguist List
- 6.1032, Sum: Chomsky's "single mutation"
The Linguist List
- 6.1033, Sum: Portugese
The Linguist List
- 6.1034, Confs: Workshop on lg variation and ling theory
The Linguist List
- 6.1035, Sum: Not...until
The Linguist List
- 6.1036, Qs: "Not not", "After you, please", "Madam Chairwoman"
The Linguist List
- 6.1037, Qs: Labov on tense, LA school with Chinese as L2, J T Jensen
The Linguist List
- 6.1038, FYI: New sound in Chapacuran, Web pages on animals/Old Engl
The Linguist List
- 6.1039, FYI: Hotel Information for NELS 26
The Linguist List
- 6.1040, Calls: Language and Knowledge: unpacking of text
The Linguist List
- 6.1041, Confs: Contemporary Topics in Computational Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1042, Qs: Kerek, V-initial words
The Linguist List
- 6.1043, Qs: Power Translator, 'because' vs 'since/as'
The Linguist List
- 6.1044, Sum: Judgment Fatigue: Part I
The Linguist List
- 6.1045, Sum: Judgment Fatigue: Part II
The Linguist List
- 6.1046, Qs: Palauan, Insults
The Linguist List
- 6.1047, Sum: Walloon
The Linguist List
- 6.1048, Sum: English Dialect sample sources
The Linguist List
- 6.1049, Sum: E-mail Citation
The Linguist List
- 6.1050, Qs: French, Japanese Processing, Game of Kings
The Linguist List
- 6.1051, Qs: Synthesizer, Discourse/Agreement, Numerals
The Linguist List
- 6.1052, Calls: Conference of World Languages
The Linguist List
- 6.1053, Re: 6.1007, Misc: English only (bilingualism), German lg ban
The Linguist List
- 6.1054, Calls: Yuen Ren Society--Chinese Dialect
The Linguist List
- 6.1055, Qs: Field Recordings
The Linguist List
- 6.1056, Qs: Non-linguists, Teaching stress, Learning styles
The Linguist List
- 6.1057, Qs: Textual Criticism, Translation, Hypothesis testing
The Linguist List
- 6.1058, Calls: Fifth International Conf on Chinese Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1059, Confs: Japanese Second Lang Acq Workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.1060, Sum: Spanish verb forms
The Linguist List
- 6.1061, Jobs: Spanish w/ Sociolinguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1062, FYI: Re: 6.1049, Sum: E-mail Citation
The Linguist List
- 6.1063, Qs: Tone, Syllabus, Holding/hand
The Linguist List
- 6.1064, Qs: Student errors, English corpus
The Linguist List
- 6.1065, Sum: Antipassive and Reflexive
The Linguist List
- 6.1066, Calls: 2nd Call for PACLIC 10
The Linguist List
- 6.1067, Books: NELS 25 Proceedings
The Linguist List
- 6.1068, New Books: Pacific Linguistics Publications
The Linguist List
- 6.1069, Sum: Idiomatic Expressions
The Linguist List
- 6.1070, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1023
The Linguist List
- 6.1071, Disc: He/She Re: 1023
The Linguist List
- 6.1072, Jobs: Natural Language Processing Research Group
The Linguist List
- 6.1073, Calls: Spoken Lang Generation and Multimodal Info
The Linguist List
- 6.1074, Jobs: Speech Recognition
The Linguist List
- 6.1075, Calls: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1076, TOC: The Translator
The Linguist List
- 6.1077, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1070
The Linguist List
- 6.1078, Re: 1053, English only (bilingualism)
The Linguist List
- 6.1079, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1077
The Linguist List
- 6.1080, Disc: Sex/Lang, re: 1077, Uniformitarian, re: 1078
The Linguist List
- 6.1081, Sum: Walloon
The Linguist List
- 6.1082, Sum: Game of Kings
The Linguist List
- 6.1083, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1079, 1080
The Linguist List
- 6.1084, Disc: He/She, Re: 1071
The Linguist List
- 6.1085, Jobs: Japanese specialist
The Linguist List
- 6.1086, Disc: Uniformitarianism, Re: 1080
The Linguist List
- 6.1087, Disc: Eng only (bilingualism), Re: 1078
The Linguist List
- 6.1088, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1079
The Linguist List
- 6.1089, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1079
The Linguist List
- 6.1090, Disc: Sex/Lang: Limits of debate?
The Linguist List
- 6.1091, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1079, 1080
The Linguist List
- 6.1092, Disc: Uniformitarianism, Re: 1086
The Linguist List
- 6.1093, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1088
The Linguist List
- 6.1094, Qs: Phonemicity of writing
The Linguist List
- 6.1095, Qs: Galicismos, Grammar course, English as Isolating lg
The Linguist List
- 6.1096, FYI: Re: 6.1094, Phonemicity of writing
The Linguist List
- 6.1097, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1088, 1091
The Linguist List
- 6.1098, Sum: 'because' vs 'since/as'
The Linguist List
- 6.1099, Jobs: Spoken Language Application Development
The Linguist List
- 6.1100, Disc: Uniformitarianism, Re: 1086; Sex/Lang
The Linguist List
- 6.1101, Qs: Literary texts on CD, J. Roscoe, Maya/Mayan lg
The Linguist List
- 6.1102, Qs: Phonetics lab, tone, font
The Linguist List
- 6.1103, Disc: Sexism and Language
The Linguist List
- 6.1104, Disc: Sex/Lang, Re: 1100
The Linguist List
- 6.1105, Jobs: CELEX research
The Linguist List
- 6.1106, Sum: Urdu
The Linguist List
- 6.1107, Misc: Literary texts on CD, Re: 1101
The Linguist List
- 6.1108, Disc: Kinship Terms, Re: 1100, 1104
The Linguist List
- 6.1109, Qs: Langacker ref, Case systems, identify lg
The Linguist List
- 6.1110, Disc: Kinship Terms, Re: 1100, 1108
The Linguist List
- 6.1111, Qs: French Aspect, Ladino & Haquiti'a, German
The Linguist List
- 6.1112, Qs: Sapir-Whorf, Phrase identification, Yiddish
The Linguist List
- 6.1113, Disc: Kinship terms, re: 1104, 1108, 1110
The Linguist List
- 6.1114, FYI: Further information on SLRF available
The Linguist List
- 6.1115, Sum: Vowels and sound symbolism
The Linguist List
- 6.1116, FYI: LDC United Nations corpus, Re: 973
The Linguist List
- 6.1117, Jobs: Post-Doctoral fellowships
The Linguist List
- 6.1118, Qs: 2nd lg acq, Spanish, Horn's book
The Linguist List
- 6.1119, Disc: Kinship terms, Re: 1113
The Linguist List
- 6.1120, Calls: American Assoc of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese
The Linguist List
- 6.1121, FYI: Chinese Romanization
The Linguist List
- 6.1122, Jobs: EFL Position
The Linguist List
- 6.1123, Jobs: English in Keio Univ
The Linguist List
- 6.1124, Calls: ICSLP 96
The Linguist List
- 6.1125, Qs: Address, Text Identification, Audio, German, Latin
The Linguist List
- 6.1126, Sum: "ear"
The Linguist List
- 6.1127, Sum: 'eye'
The Linguist List
- 6.1128, Disc: Kinship, Re: 1100, 1108, 1113
The Linguist List
- 6.1129, Calls: Field reports/Endangered lgs at LSA '96
The Linguist List
- 6.1130, Sum: English as isolating lg
The Linguist List
- 6.1131, FYI: Preliminary to Jakobson conference
The Linguist List
- 6.1132, Qs: Borrowing, Huehnergoetter, 'to where/whenever'
The Linguist List
- 6.1133, Books: New book on Austronesians
The Linguist List
- 6.1134, FYI: Penn Working Papers
The Linguist List
- 6.1135, Disc: Kinship, Re: 1119
The Linguist List
- 6.1136, Sum: German terms for sibilant, etc
The Linguist List
- 6.1137, Sum: Translation of philosophical texts, textual criticism
The Linguist List
- 6.1138, Qs: Linguistics & the internet, Bigrams, Eng Parser/Tagger
The Linguist List
- 6.1139, Sum: Summary of sociolinguistics course syllabi
The Linguist List
- 6.1140, FYI: NEH Reference Materials Awards and Summer Stipends
The Linguist List
- 6.1141, Disc: Kinship Re: 1119, Sex/Lang, Re: 1100
The Linguist List
- 6.1142, Calls: Journal of English Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1143, Disc: Kinship terms
The Linguist List
- 6.1144, Sum: V-initial languages
The Linguist List
- 6.1145, Sum: Currency names
The Linguist List
- 6.1146, Qs: Norwegian, List of common words, French/English neologisms
The Linguist List
- 6.1147, Qs: Quantitative info, Book info, Korean software for Mac
The Linguist List
- 6.1148, Sum: Parsing of ambiguous sequences in v2 languages
The Linguist List
- 6.1149, Disc: Sapir-Whorf and what to tell students these days
The Linguist List
- 6.1150, Calls: Network-based language teaching
The Linguist List
- 6.1151, Sum: German/English translation software
The Linguist List
- 6.1152, Disc: Kinship terms
The Linguist List
- 6.1153, Qs: Globalization, Yago, Scots Gaelic, Pidgin English
The Linguist List
- 6.1154, Confs: ESCOL '95
The Linguist List
- 6.1155, Qs: Trees, On-glides, Language attitudes
The Linguist List
- 6.1156, Calls: Focus workshop
The Linguist List
- 6.1157, Qs: Amharic, Risk taking, Pre- & post- position
The Linguist List
- 6.1158, Qs: Click, Glamour, Ling for teens, Models of perception
The Linguist List
- 6.1159, FYI: Lowlands-L discussion list
The Linguist List
- 6.1160, TOC: Issues in Applied Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1161, Confs: BU Conf on Language Development
The Linguist List
- 6.1162, Confs: 4th International Conf on Narrative
The Linguist List
- 6.1163, Qs: Kurylowicz, *Suite*, Freq of stops, Clicks and "glamour"
The Linguist List
- 6.1164, Qs: Scientific terms, Modals, Knowledge rep, Eugene O'Neill
The Linguist List
- 6.1165, Sum: Processing Japanese
The Linguist List
- 6.1166, Confs: Mesoam-Northam Parallels
The Linguist List
- 6.1167, Sum: Verbal complex without IPP
The Linguist List
- 6.1168, Sum: Would you...? / Could you...?
The Linguist List
- 6.1169, Books: Semantics, Discourse Analysis, Socioling, Stylistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1170, : Kinship Terms
The Linguist List
- 6.1171, Jobs: Lecturship in Ling, Chinese Research fellows, MT
The Linguist List
- 6.1172, Misc: Currency Names, Sibilant-Shibilant, Ling for teens
The Linguist List
- 6.1173, Calls: AISB96 - Call for Workshop Proposals
The Linguist List
- 6.1174, Calls: Native American, Penn Linguistics Club
The Linguist List
- 6.1175, Sum: Latin and romance
The Linguist List
- 6.1176, Sum: 'Vowelless' languages
The Linguist List
- 6.1177, Sum: Phonemicity of writing
The Linguist List
- 6.1178, FYI: U Iowa home page, CNN interview, Optimality volume
The Linguist List
- 6.1179, Calls: Amazonian langs, Semantics and ling theory
The Linguist List
- 6.1180, Sum: Citation index
The Linguist List
- 6.1181, Sum: Teenage ling
The Linguist List
- 6.1182, Sum: Tree macros for LaTeX
The Linguist List
- 6.1183, Qs: Acq of French, Gerunds/infinitives, J Kelly
The Linguist List
- 6.1184, Qs: Auslan L1, `POS` classification, NegP, Norman Bird book
The Linguist List
- 6.1185, Jobs: Chinese, German, Japanese, Linguistic Anthropology
The Linguist List
- 6.1186, Calls: Special Issue of NAMES, CFP: SPATIAL REPRESENTATION
The Linguist List
- 6.1187, Calls: Implicature Symposium
The Linguist List
- 6.1188, Calls: Specifiers, Sociolinguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1189, Sum: Rhymes & half-rhymes
The Linguist List
- 6.1190, Confs: colloque "Langue et nation"
The Linguist List
- 6.1191, Jobs: General Linguistics
The Linguist List
- 6.1192, Qs: Sound symbolism, Thai, Voice impersonation
The Linguist List
- 6.1193, Calls: Going Romance
The Linguist List
Last message date:
Thu Aug 31 16:01:50 UTC 1995
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:34 UTC 2022
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