April 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 00:10:39 UTC 2005
Ending: Fri Apr 29 20:54:00 UTC 2005
Messages: 75
- you need it
Rich Bowden
- Confirmation app 0687-762
Ann Daly
- [ln] Job: stage, Bac+4/5 Veille technologique et outils linguistiques, GFI Luxembourg
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop EUROLAN 2005 (second CFP)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: ELRA, Language Resources Catalogue - Update
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: CLI, M. Rajman et M. Amar, Recherche documentaire, 15 avril 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Demos DIALOR
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: Inscriptions TALN 05 ouvertes
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: Colloque du Cerlico, 3-4 juin 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Journee ATALA, "TAL et langues anciennes" (quatrieme appel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: CIAA 2005 (extended deadline - last call for paper)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: MLMI '05
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Journee: Corpus oraux, Constitution, exploitation, conservation, diffusion, BnF, Paris, 17 mai 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Cursus: Master en TAL a Nancy
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: F. Le Priol, LALICC, 12 avril 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Journee ATALA, "TAL et langues anciennes" (dernier appel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Journee: "Le SMS : Enjeux Linguistiques, Sociaux et Culturels, Modyco, 20 mai 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Journees de la linguistique de corpus (Nouvelle date limite - 10 mai 2005)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: Stage, Vision Objects, Nantes
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Translating and the Computer 27
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: TeMA 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Summarization Workshop/RANLP 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: RFIA'2006
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: CLI, M. Rajman et M. Amar, Recherche documentaire, 15 avril 2005 (Rappel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: Concordancier sur la Constitution Europeenne
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Revue: Scolia 19, De la linguistique de corpus a la relation Partie-Tout
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: research positions 2005-8, Tarragona, Spain
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Ecole: EUROLAN 2005 Summer School (2nd Call)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue t.a.l., Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: Prix de these ASTI 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] These: Camal TAZINE, Modelisation statistique en reconnaissance automatique de la parole
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: Texto!, Nouveautes et mises a jour de mars 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: JRC, Ispra, Lago Maggiore, Italy
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue t.a.l., Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: AAAI-05 Workshop on Question answering in restricted domains
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: SARA'2005 Research Paper Summary, April 17th Deadline
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: Lattice-Talana, ANNULATION de la seance du lundi 18 avril
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Analogies between the theory of compilation and operations of the brain
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: Postdoc, PhD, Researcher Positions, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: LALICC, J-L. Minel, Metamorphoses du texte et navigation textuelle, MSH, 10 mai 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: Vocabulaire de la constitution europenne
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: Conference Mel'cuk, Paris 10, 16 mai, 17h-19h
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Ecole: Inscriptions, Ecole TCAN Langue, connaissances, information (Rappel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: these et postdoc, GREYC, Caen
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: Colloque Societe de l'information, Bilan du programme, 19-21 mai 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: Post-doc, France Telecom Division R&D, Lannion
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: Mise en ligne de la base de donnees DiCo (liens lexicaux du francais)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: FSMNLP 2005, Deadline: May 9 (extension)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: LACL05, Dernier Appel a Participation
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: ELRA, Language Resources Catalogue, Update
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: SEM-05 (Last call)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: Linguistique textuelle, Beyrouth, Liban, 22-23 avril 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue t.a.l., Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: Research positions 2005-9, Tarragona, Spain
Thierry Hamon
- Approved: 9332316385
Ray Horne
- Extending Credit Loans simplified
Shelby Kirkpatrick
- FYI: time to refill.
Clarice Lara
- these meds are cheap, inc. veikoden/kodeyne
Carol Martin
- 8o% off, nopresc. we got it all
Elnora Mcmullen
- refill now. vic, xan, val, code, via or cia
Susanne Nadeau
- you better get it now
Ester Paige
- refill now. vic, xan, val, code, via or cia
Gayle Robison
- buy a lot, save a lot. huge selection
Eliseo Sexton
- Top Notch Credit Loans made simple
Jefferson Skaggs
- zan axe, val *i um - nopresc
Maureen Tilley
- wide selection of meds 80% off
Seth Underwood
- nopresc. we have val, xan and others.
Tyrone Vela
- will help your finances 3.47% r d t
capital advisor
- economic well, rates at 3.52% h h r
finance advisor
- economic well, rates at 3.23% q d o
wealth advisor
- low USA rates starting 3.34% ]a/
capital consultant
- unbelievable 3.48% `7!
wealth guide
- will cut the years 3.56% !2`
capital mentor
- will cut the years 3.25% q
reserves mentor
Last message date:
Fri Apr 29 20:54:00 UTC 2005
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:15:55 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).