April 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Apr 1 00:53:59 UTC 2001
Ending: Mon Apr 30 22:40:57 UTC 2001
Messages: 295
- 12.902, Books: Languages of the World
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.903, Disc: The Role of Lecturers in Universities
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.904, All: A Few Words from John Mullen
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.905, Sum: Blind Student in Foreign Language Class
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.906, Calls: Translation, Terminology/AI
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.907, Calls: Machine Translation, Japan Second Lang Assoc.
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.908, FYI: Transcriptions Online, Syntax Test, Ling Humor
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.909, Qs: French Database/Children, Phonological Parsers
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.910, Qs: Danakil/Afar, Russian/German Comparative Ling
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.911, Confs: "The Genetics of Language", Tilburg University
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.912, Confs: "Modality in Contemporary English", Verona, It
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.913, Disc: The Role of Lecturers in Universities
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.914, Sum: Action Nouns
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.915, All: This week's LINGUIST Notice Board
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.916, Books: Dictionaries
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.917, All: Success! The Fund Drive is Over!
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.918, Sum: Kinesthetic-based Human Languages?
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.919, TOC: Higher-Order & Symbolic Computation Vol. 14
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.920, Books: Language Education
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.921, Jobs: Classics, Ling: Lecturer at U of Cambridge, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.922, Review: Langley & Levy, Old French-English dictionary
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.923, Books: Bilingualism
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.924, Disc: The Role of Lecturers in Universities
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.925, Review: Language Acquisition and Conceptual Development
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.926, Qs: Life is Journey/Metaphor, Grammaticalization
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.927, Review: Fishman, Can Threatened Languages Be Saved?
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.928, Calls: Focus on the Learner, Verbs/arguments/polysemy
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.929, Calls: Syntax/Semantics, Neural Information Processing
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.930, Review: McNeill, Language and Gesture
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.931, Calls: Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.932, Disc: The Role of Lecturers in Universities
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.933, Jobs: TEFL, Southern Illinois U, Niigata, Japan
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.934, Jobs: TESOL, Dept. Head, University or Geogia, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.935, Jobs: Syntax, Visiting Asst. Prof, New York, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.936, Jobs: Sociolinguistics, Asst Prof, Louisiana, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.937, Jobs: Gen'l Ling, Lecturer, U/West Indies, Jamaica
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.938, Books: Language & Mind
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.939, Books: Syntax/Semantics, Phonetics/Phonology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.940, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Slavic Languages/URGENT
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.941, Calls: Terminology/AI, Language/Migration/The City
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.942, TOC: The Slavonic Antiquity
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.943, Qs: Eng Vowels/Alcohol's Effect, Garo Lang Expert
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.944, Calls: Natural Lang Generation, Salish Languages
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.945, Calls: Reading Matrix/Journal, Specialized Texts
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.946, Calls: Machine Translation, Semantic Processing
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.947, Confs: Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 37)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.948, Confs: XIII International Meeting of ALFAL
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.949, Confs: Linguistic Databases (IRCS)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.950, Support: PhD Opportunities in Language Engineering
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.951, Confs: Prosody in Processing (PiP)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.952, Support: Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.953, TOC: Int'l J for the Semiotics of Law/Revue
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.954, TOC: Language & Education Vol.15 No.1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.955, TOC: Language Problems & Language Planning 24:1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.956, TOC: Interpreting 4:1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.957, TOC: Linguisticae Investigationes 23:1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.958, TOC: Language Problems & Language Planning 24:2
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.959, TOC: Language Problems & Language Planning 24:3
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.960, All: List of Extinct Languages
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.961, Jobs: ESL: Asst Prof at NY City Tech College, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.962, Jobs: Comp Ling: Research, Euro Academy Bozen/Bolzano
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.963, Review: Word Order in Hungarian
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.964, Review: Comp Ling in the Netherlands 1998
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.965, Support: Field Linguistics/Graduate Student research
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.966, Confs: Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.967, FYI: ELSNET Summer School, LOT-NWCL Summer
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.968, Calls: Armenian Dialectology, Grammaticalization
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.969, All: This week's LINGUIST Notice Board
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.970, Review: Learnability in Optimality Theory
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.971, Review: Geometry and Features of Tone
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.972, Review: Aitchison, Language Change (3rd ed.)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.973, Disc: The Role of Lecturer in Universities
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.974, Review: Martin et al (eds) Step by Step
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.975, Jobs: Comp Ling, French/Sp/German/Eng, Microsoft
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.976, Jobs: Semantics/Pragmatics, Stanford, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.977, Jobs: Information Officer, Oxford Text Archive, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.978, Jobs: NLP, Applied Research, Kanisa Inc., CA, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.979, Jobs: Psycholinguistics, U Southern CA, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.980, Jobs: Applied Ling/Asst Prof, U of Pittsburgh, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.981, Jobs: Speech Recog: Grammar Writer, QA in London, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.982, Jobs: Speech Recog: ASR, Human Factors in London, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.983, Calls: Finite State Methods/NLP, Translatory Action
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.984, Qs: Short Message System/Corpora, PPs/Paths/Places
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.985, Jobs: Speech Recog: Technical Sales in Germany
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.986, Jobs: Speech Recog: Technical Sales in London, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.987, Review: Morgan & Cain, Foreign Lg & Culture Learning
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.988, Review: Fischer et al., Syntax of Early English
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.989, Review: Linguistic Turn in Hermeneutic Philosophy
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.990, Review: Comp Theory of Writing Systems (2nd review)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.991, Sum: Use of the Term 'Reporting'
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.992, Qs: EFL/Children's Literature, Objects/Front & Back
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.993, Calls: New Zealand Ling Society, Machine Translation
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.994, Calls: German/Applied Ling, Chinese Lang/Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.995, Review: Daniel Marcu, Discourse parsing & summarization
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.996, Calls: Japan/Interpretation Studies, JAIS journal
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.997, Confs: Malay/Indonesian Linguistics Symposium
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.998, Jobs: Syntax/Generalist: Lecturer at U of Utah, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.999, Jobs: Applied Ling: Assoc/Asst Prof in Japan
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1000, Jobs: Pragmatics at Humboldt U, Berlin, Germany
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1001, Jobs: Applied ling: English lecturer in Finland
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1002, Jobs: Morphology Researcher: Surrey U, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1003, Books: English Grammar
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1004, Books: Cross Cultural Communication
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1005, Books: Language & Culture
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1006, Books: Anthropological Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1007, Books: Cognitive Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1008, Books: Syntax
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1009, Books: Typology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1010, Books: Phonology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1011, Books: Language Acquisition
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1012, Books: Comparative Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1013, Books: Syntax/Semantics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1014, Books: Corpus Linguistics, Lexicography/Lexicology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1015, Confs: Online Conference - Russian Language
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1016, Jobs: Theoretical ling: 1 year pos. at Boston Univ
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1017, Qs: Basque P Participles, Korean Frequency List
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1018, Qs: IPA Elect Dictionary, West Greenlandic/"eye"
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1019, Disc: Review: Morgan & Cain/FL and Culture Learning
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1020, Disc: New: Review: Comp Theory of Writing Systems
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1021, Jobs: Visiting Asst Prof at U of North Texas, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1022, Calls: Corpus-based Analysis, Pacific L2 Research
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1023, Calls: Evaluation Methodologies, Hellenic Language
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1024, Disc: Review: Comp Theory of Writing Systems
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1025, Jobs: EFL Teacher: Position in Shizuoka-ken, Japan
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1026, Jobs: Software: Quality Analyst at OpenText, IL USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1027, Confs: Summer School - Lang & Speech Communication
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1028, Confs: Asymmetry Conference: Pre-registration
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1029, Sum: "Life is Journey" Metaphors in Poems
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1030, Review: Moro, Dynamic Antisymmetry
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1031, TOC: Journal of Greek Linguistics Vol.1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1032, TOC: Diachronica 17:2
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1033, TOC: Journal of Historical Pragmatics 2:1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1034, Review: Middle English Word Studies
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1035, Calls: Lang/Logic/Computation, Logic/Lang/Information
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1036, Jobs: Project Manager: BCL Computers in CA, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1037, Confs: Formal Approaches to Japanese Ling (FAJL3)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1038, Support: Language Technology - Ph.D. Fellowships
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1039, Calls: Spanish Lang Processing, Cognitive Agents
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1040, Calls: Comp Ling, Terminology/Artificial Intelligence
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1041, Calls: Argument Structure, Nigerian/Sociolinguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1042, TOC: Virittaja Vol.105 Issue 1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1043, TOC: PhiN 16/2001
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1044, Qs: Turkish/Eng Dictionary, Noun Forms in Italian
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1045, Qs: Peking Mandarin Survey,Wh-questions/Eng Dialect
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1046, Qs: Morphology/Mod Standard Arabic, Shallow Parsers
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1047, Confs: Southwest Workshop on Optimality Theory
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1048, Jobs: Linguistics: Postdoc Fellow at M.I.T., MA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1049, Calls: Human Lang Technology, Natural Lang Generation
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1050, Calls: Philosophy/Psychology, Machine Translation
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1051, All: This week's LINGUIST Notice Board
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1052, Jobs: Ling Transcription for Butler Hill, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1053, Jobs: Syntax/Applied Ling/Socioling, U of Cyprus
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1054, Qs: Lang Family Trees, W African Lang Identity
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1055, Qs: Acquisition Textbook, Endangered Tribal Langs
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1056, All: Obituary: Rudolf Filipovic
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1057, Qs: Old Eng References, Grammar/Symmetry Breaking
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1058, Confs: Comp Ling/ ACL-2001: SENSEVAL-2 Workshop
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1059, Jobs: TESL/ITA: Lecturer at U of Florida, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1060, Jobs: Ling/TESL Lecturer at San Luis Obispo, CA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1061, Calls: Semantic Knowledge, Polysemy/Semantics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1062, Sum: Comparative Linguistics: Russian - German
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1063, FYI: Cross-Lang Name Search, Coyote Papers 10 & SWOT
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1064, TOC: Machine Translation Vol. 14, Issue 3/4
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1065, Books: German Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1066, Review: Turrell, Multilingualism in Spain
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1067, Sum: Nonlexical Interjections
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1068, Sum: Instrumental Analysis of Tone
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1069, Books: Oceanic Austronesian Lang of Southern Vanuatu
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1070, Calls: Syntax of Auxiliaries, Spanish/Portuguese
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1071, Calls: Neuro Fuzzy/Intelligent Systems, GLOW in Asia
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1072, Review: French, An Accommodating Language? (2nd rev)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1073, Review: Knight, Studdert-Kennedy, & Hurford
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1074, Review: Corbett, Number
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1075, Confs: Empirical Methods in Natural Lang Processing
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1076, Books: African Languages & Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1077, Books: Computational/Cognitive Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1078, Review: English in 19th century England
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1079, Books: Syntax/Semantics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1080, Qs: DESS ou un DEA en France, Passive/Negation
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1081, Qs: English Speakers/Italy, L2 Learning/Adults
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1082, Confs: Modality in Contemporary English
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1083, Review: Verbal Complexes
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1084, Review: Corrections to issue 12.1074
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1085, FYI: Summer School: CogSci2001 - Sofia
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1086, Calls: Language Technologies, Sharing Tools/Research
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1087, Calls: User Modeling, MT Roadmap/Extension
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1088, Review: Critical Applied Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1089, Confs: Creole Phonology and Morphology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1090, Confs: Israel Association for Theoretical Ling
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1091, Qs: Lengthening/Belgian French, Chinese Characters
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1092, Books: Dictionary
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1093, Jobs: Lexicographer/Editor for OED, New York, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1094, Jobs: Natural Lang Processing at U of Edinburgh, UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1095, Review: Fennell, History of English
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1096, Review: Phonology and Morphology of Reduplication
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1097, Confs: Terminology and Artificial Intelligence
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1098, Calls: Textual Data, Natural Language Generation
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1099, Review: Tosi, Language & Society in Changing Italy
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1100, All: This week's LINGUIST Notice Board
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1101, Books: Hispanic Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1102, TOC: Linguistics in Potsdam 9
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1103, Jobs: Senior Software Linguist at Infotech, MA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1104, Jobs: Natural Language Processing Postdoc in Germany
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1105, Jobs: Speech Recognition Engineer in France
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1106, Jobs: Computational Linguist/Ling Developer in CA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1107, Support: Comp Ling/Phonetics - PhD Studentships
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1108, Qs: Haber & Tener, Quotation: Meaning/Logic
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1109, Qs: English "No", English Proper Names
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1110, FYI: Search Program/Correction, Summer/Applied Ling
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1111, Review: Ravin & Leacock, Polysemy
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1112, Qs: Intro to Optimality Theory, Language Database
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1113, Confs: Lexical-Functional Grammar/ LFG 2001
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1114, Review: Marcu, Discourse Parsing (2nd review)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1115, Calls: Discourse/Dialogue, ConSole X/Student Org
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1116, Qs: Diminutive "-s"/British Eng, Mass/Count Nouns
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1117, Disc: New: Moss Review/Verbal Complexes
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1118, Books: General Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1119, Qs: Care-giver Speech/Gender, Calvet Article/Source
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1120, Jobs: Linguistics Engineer in Reston, VA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1121, Jobs: Ling Software Consulting in NYC, NY USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1122, Jobs: Generative Syntax Lecturer at U of Geneva
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1123, Review: Niemeier & Dirven, Linguistic Relativity
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1124, FYI: Connectionist Models, British National Corpus
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1125, Books: Philosophy of Language
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1126, Review: Fishman, Can Threatened Languages Be Saved?
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1127, Review: Rice, Morpheme Order & Semantic Scope
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1128, Calls: CALL for manuscript proposals - AEE Publishing
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1129, Jobs: Linguistics Engineer in Reston, VA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1130, Jobs: Freelance Writer in Ling or Sociology, CA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1131, Confs: Jordanstown Linguistics Days
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1132, Qs: Acoustic Component/Nonmanual Sign, Focus/Bangla
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1133, Calls: Data Mining, Contrastive Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1134, Books: AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1135, Confs: UK Language Variation Conference - LVC3
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1136, Sum: TOEFL and Konkani Speakers
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1137, Books: Syntax
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1138, Books: Theoretical Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1139, Books: Anthropological Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1140, Books: Phonology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1141, Books: Anthropological Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1142, Books: Discourse Analysis
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1143, Books: General Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1144, Qs: Georg Schwidetzky, Children's Speech Samples
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1145, Confs: Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1146, Confs: Lexical-Functional Grammar/ LFG2001
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1147, Support: Morphology/Speech Production: Research/ Germany
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1148, Calls: Recent Advances/NLP, Pacific L2 Research Forum
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1149, Calls: South Asian Langs, Cognitive/Neural Systems
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1150, Review: McClure, Using Japanese
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1151, Jobs: Professor of Turkic Language in Uppsala Sweden
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1152, Jobs: Dialog Designer at General Magic in CA USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1153, Jobs: Research Lab Coordinator at Georgia Tech, USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1154, Jobs: Computational Ling at U of Zurich, Switzerland
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1155, Books: Language and Gender
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1156, Books: Language Education
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1157, Books: Pragmatics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1158, Books: Writing
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1159, Books: TESOL
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1160, Books: Grammars
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1161, Books: Translation
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1162, Disc: Moss Review/Verbal Complexes
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1163, All: This week's LINGUIST Notice Board
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1164, Calls: Engineering Societies, ConSole X
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1165, Books: Psycholinguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1166, Books: Logic & Linguistics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1167, Books: Typology
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1168, TOC: J of Multilingual & Multicultural Development
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1169, Calls: Colloque Contrastif Francais-Finnois
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1170, Qs: "Content"/Contributions of Different Modalities
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1171, Jobs: Computational Ling Marketing Analyst in UK
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1172, TOC: Onomasiology Online 2,1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1173, TOC: Computers and the Humanities, Vol 35. No 2
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1174, FYI: French Phonetics Site, Summer/ Generative Ling
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1175, Confs: Linguistic Typology - Santa Barbara/ CA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1176, Support: Machine Learning/ Optimality Theory
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1177, TOC: Language and Speech Vol.43, Part 4
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1178, TOC: Language and Speech Vol.43, Part 3
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1179, TOC: International J of Bilingualism, Vol.4, No.4
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1180, TOC: International J of Bilingualism, Vol.5, No.1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1181, TOC: Language and Speech Vol.44, Part 1
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1182, Sum: Focus/Narrow Syntax/Bangla
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1183, Sum: Mass/Count Nouns
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1184, Calls: Chinese Field-Work, Lang Development
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1185, Calls: Applied Ling, Semantics & Pragmatics
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1186, Confs: Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop/ CGSW
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1187, FYI: Summer - Logic/Lang/Info, Summer - Albanian
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1188, Jobs: Chemistry Translator/Editor-Italian, in Ireland
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1189, Jobs: Asst Prof - Applied Ling, U of Victoria Canada
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1190, Jobs: General Ling temporary teacher, U of Alaska USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1191, Jobs: Asst Prof in Syntax, U of Victoria Canada
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1192, Jobs: Director - English Lang Institute, Georgia USA
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1193, Review: Tosi, Lg & Society in Italy (2nd rev.)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1194, Review: Moss & Motta, Using Italian Synonyms
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1195, Review: Aitchison, Language Change (2nd rev.)
The LINGUIST Network
- 12.1196, Review: Pesetsky, Phrasal Movement
The LINGUIST Network
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 22:40:57 UTC 2001
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 07:45:51 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).